From monthly archives: August 2016

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'August 2016'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Quality South African Law Report Binding

At Bookbinding Services, the majority of our bookbinding projects consists of binding various loose issues of South African Law Reports and Legal Journals into bound volumes for legal professionals.

Attorneys, Advocates, High Courts and Magistrates Courts as well as Universities make use of our services.

The South African Law Reports is the leading source of South African judicial jurisprudence and the most widely referred to source of primary legal precedent in South Africa.

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A Personalised Guest Book for your Business

Recently, Bookbinding Services had the privilege of designing and creating personalised guestbooks for a number of the game reserves surrounding Port Elizabeth.

In keeping with the theme, each visitor book was bound in genuine leather, giving them a charming African bush look and feel.

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